Wishing you all a Happy New Year

Wishing you all a Happy New Year

Despite everything let’s try to be positive!

  • Posted On: 1 January 2021
No-one wants to have another year like the last one and we all hope that rolling out the vaccines will eventually get the virus under control. Meanwhile we all need to keep safe and carry on. So how did you keep going during 2020? Gardening seems to be a common theme and I certainly spent a lot of time in the summer weeding, pruning and generally keeping my garden in the best shape ever. Once autumn arrived it was back indoors to a combination of books and jigsaws. I have enjoyed reading a...

Will it be a white Christmas?

Will it be a white Christmas?

We’ve already had snow in the Dales

  • Posted On: 11 December 2020
Something magical happens when the snow falls – everything goes very quiet.  Traffic slows down to a crawl and noises that normally echo across the Dale are muffled. We are suddenly able to see evidence in the tracks of the animals that are usually hidden from view: deer, stoats – or is that weasel? Children appear with sledges to spend the morning sliding down the hillsides and there is excitement when the snowplough arrives. My book “Frozen Ground” is set...

On my way to the Stripey Badger Bookshop

On my way to the Stripey Badger Bookshop

I stopped near Gunnerside to get a shot of the book cover against the original landscape

  • Posted On: 31 August 2020
Last year I gave a talk at the bookshop in Grassington to launch my new book but this year it was very different. With the current restrictions due to Covid-19, I arranged to drop into the bookshop with my new crime novel to sign a few copies instead. The numbers of customers allowed in the shop at once is limited so I didn’t stay too long – Grassington was busy with visitors and I didn’t want to hold up business! Residents of Grassington are looking forward to the start of...

The cover proof has been approved

The cover proof has been approved

Copies of Killer Lines will be available by the end of this month

  • Posted On: 14 August 2020

It is disappointing that so many events have been cancelled because of the virus, meaning that I have not been able to attend talks and signings at shows, festivals, libraries and bookshops this year. However, I have had some lovely messages from readers who are pre-ordering my new book through this website, bookshops and on Amazon. Let’s hope that things will return to a form of normality in due course and we can again meet face-to-face. Meanwhile, keep safe!


‘Killer Lines’ to be published on 31st August

‘Killer Lines’ to be published on 31st August

‘Killer Lines’ has finally been sent to the printers

  • Posted On: 30 July 2020
...after a series of iterations including my own edits, proof reading, beta readings and final layout checks. Finally every comma, full stop and question mark is in the right place and certain words have been checked for the last time (the plural of ‘low-life’, is it ‘low-lifes’ or ‘low-lives’?). Of course there are many ways to express every single sentence and there comes a time when you just have to let your work out into the world.  Details of...
