Publication day has arrived

Publication day has arrived

I’ve been busy over the past few months preparing for the launch of “Proof Toxic”

  • Posted On: 26 March 2023
It is always a delight (and a relief) to receive the latest book in its final form. I am particularly pleased with the choice of colour for this, my twelfth book in the series. It has been over two years since “Killer Lines” hit the shelves and during that time I have received messages from readers asking when the next one in the series will appear. So I was particularly pleased to let them know that it was finally available on 11th March. Since then I have been busy visiting...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I hope you have had an enjoyable festive period, whether with family, friends or away for a well-earned holiday.

  • Posted On: 1 January 2023
Our family Christmases are always quite hectic, so it is nice to spend a few days to relax now and gather strength for whatever the new year brings. This year my Christmas celebrations began with a festive dinner and quiz at our local pub in early December. I was invited to speak at the December meeting of the Knaresborough WI, which was a lively affair with mince pies on offer; it was the last of the various talks I’ve given at groups across Yorkshire in 2022 – a great...

In the Yorkshire Dales

In the Yorkshire Dales

Viridian Publishing is proud to carry the Yorkshire Dales National Park logo

  • Posted On: 8 November 2022
You may have noticed the Swaledale sheep logo on the back covers of my books, indicating that my work originates “in the Yorkshire Dales National Park”. The narratives in my crime novels are set in real locations across the region and you may also have spotted displays of my books in the National Park Centres on your travels. I have been dropping in to the centres during my various walks [from the National Park app], including those at Hawes, Aysgarth, Grassington and Malham...

A trip to Mossy Bank

A trip to Mossy Bank

Hoping to meet Mills Sanderson

  • Posted On: 10 August 2022
The Ivelet Circular Walk takes you up onto Gunnerside Moor with views along the lead mine workings of Gunnerside Gill and then across the top until you can see Keld in the distance and, finally, Muker below. It is a beautiful walk on a clear day, particularly at this time of year when the heather is in bloom and the air is filled with its scent. The walk appears on the Yorkshire Dales National Park app (we have reached the letter I in the alphabet now) but, more importantly, you will be...

Mallerstang, the remote dale that inspired “Frozen Ground”

Mallerstang, the remote dale that inspired “Frozen Ground”

Curlews, skylarks and bog cotton

  • Posted On: 14 June 2022
The nine-mile circular walk from Garsdale Station via Grisedale, crosses the Settle-Carlisle Railway in Mallerstang and turns back along the Pennine Bridle Way. Mallerstang is the remote dale that formed the background for my book "Frozen Ground”, with its storyline of sheep rustling beside snow-covered Wild Boar Fell. Fortunately there was no snow but I was subjected to strong winds and sudden heavy showers! Nevertheless, I was able to spot plenty of curlews in Grisedale, and...
