Handbook of Rock Analysis

Handbook of Rock Analysis

A wide variety of instrumental techniques are now commonly used for rock analysis including some that incorporate excitation sources and detection systems that have been developed over the past few years. In particular, instrumental developments now permit a very wide range of trace elements to be determined rapidly and on a routine basis.

The book is divided into 20 chapters, logically ordered to cover general concepts in analytical chemistry, procedures based on wet chemistry and optical spectroscopy; the techniques of arc and spark emission spectrometry and ion selective electrodes; x-ray and micro-beam procedures; nuclear techniques; ion exchange chromatography; and other more specialised procedures, including fire-assay. The volume concludes with chapters on geochemical applications of mass spectrometry.

Practical details are complemented by parametric data including most sensitive lines, interference effects and detection limit data that combine to make this text an indispensable laboratory handbook for all practitioners of analytical geochemistry, as well as a standard reference work on rock and mineral analysis.

Read it, use it and enjoy it!

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