Wishing all my lovely readers a Happy New Year!

Do you know the secret of happiness?

  • Posted On: 1 January 2022
Wishing all my lovely readers a Happy New Year!

When Dr Anthony Clare, psychiatrist, was asked for his tips on happiness, he came up with seven, which I heard on the radio today, listed in the following way: have a passion (mine is writing of course), be part of something bigger than yourself, accept change, avoid introspection, live in the moment, audit your happiness, and act happy. Very good advice, don’t you agree?

Regarding resolutions for 2022, I plan to publish my 12th Mills Sanderson mystery, reduce my use of food packaging and attempt to walk all 35 walks on the Yorkshire Dales National Park App – in alphabetical order. I will start with the walk from Appersett, near Hawes, as soon as it stops raining!

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